37 plays in 361 days.
For anyone reading this blog for the first time, here is a brief recap of our project. During the fall of 2011, Chelsea and I were bored. We were finally comfortable in DC, but we spent our free-time bingeing on Netflix. We needed something to get us out of the house, something to strive for.
Randomly, Chelsea got us tickets to see Much Ado at the Shakespeare Theatre in DC. She was not excited about it. But then we went. And she enjoyed it much more than she expected.
That weekend we saw Anonymous, a movie highly recommended by my friend and Oxfordian expert Tom Regnier. Even knowing the author took some liberties with the actual history, we were fascinated.
The following week we saw an amazing production of Othello at the Folgers Shakespeare Theatre, and the idea for our project was born.
Over the next year, we traveled from New York City to Chapel Hill, from Cleveland to Staunton. For each of Shakespeare's 37 plays, we left the house, went to a theatre, and saw live productions of each. Before each play, we would compare Stratfordian and Oxfordian interpretations. Then we would sit back and enjoy.
This blog chronicles our journeys. I hope you enjoy.
This blog chronicles our journeys. I hope you enjoy.